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ACT Adjudication Program Information



Attention all adjudicators, judging assistants, and group presidents! The ACT Winter Forum is fast approaching!


Saturday, February 15 9:00am- 12:00pm

Mason Community Playhouse (home of Mason Community Players)

5529 Mason Road

Mason, OH 45040


All adjudicators should plan to attend this forum for valuable information and training. Keep in mind that this is open to EVERYONE in the ACT community (not just responders and presidents), so please spread the word throughout your organization.  The more folks in the room, the increased sharing of knowledge!​


The ACT Adjudication Program is central to ACT’s core mission of "Connect, Educate, Recognize". The “Judging Program”, as it is commonly referred to, was created in order to encourage the continued growth and development of quality community theater through a process of positive feedback, constructive criticism and peer recognition.


Through this program, ACT provides three adjudicators to attend each member group’s productions. The adjudicators are assigned by the Judging Assistants under the supervision of the 2nd Vice President. Adjudicators are drawn from a pool of fellow community theater performers and technicians as well as professors from local colleges and universities. After viewing the show, the adjudicators submit a written critique covering 23 production and performance areas. The 2nd Vice President reviews the three critiques and then forwards them to the member groups who often chose to share the critiques with all of the cast and crew members of the production. It is hoped that each critique will provide useful tips and feedback that performers and production staff can draw from on future theatrical endeavors.

Link to the Orchid Nomination Form and other documents can be found on our Forms page. We have also created a central location for all groups' playbills/programs, located here.

In addition to the critique, the adjudicators also nominate deserving performers and technicians for Orchid Awards. The Orchid Awards recognize outstanding performances and technical work within the production. If two of the adjudicators nominate the same performance or production area, the person responsible receives an Orchid Award certificate at the annual ACT Banquet.

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