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The Drama Workshop Venue Information

Venue: Own

Load In: n/a

Lighting: 48, 2.4K per

Available instruments: 

Address: 3716 Glenmore Avenue, Cheviot OH 45211

Set constructed: On site
Time onstage before opening: 4-6 weeks depending on schedule

Rental of Instruments: no

Restrictions on use of lighting: Because of power restrictions only 20 instruments at a time may be used

Lighting Control: Programmed presets, 24 channels used 20 at a time

Available dim channels: Dependent on venue (We own 4 of our own Chauvet stand alone DMX controlled dimmer packs.)   

Sound Rent/own: own
Sound equip: 1
6 channel in board, Amp used depends on show. Two

Permanent side speakers, two semi Permanent stage speakers others as As needed

Stage Dimensions: Depends on configuration . Proscenium 32’ W (at arch) by 28’

Other restrictions or limitations: No fly space, no wing space, no grand drape, House lights don’t dim, HVAC is inadequate. If body mics are needed they are rented.

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