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ACT Script Library

The script library of ACT Cincinnati is a wonderful resource where you can locate a copy of a script for a wide variety of plays and musicals. ACT member groups can borrow a script from the library free of charge. This can be very useful when looking to expand your pool of "known" possibilities in order to find that perfect show for your next season. 


Linda Roll acts as librarian for ACT's script collection. This is an excel spreadsheet that can be filtered to title, author, year of publication, royalty house, among other things to allow for easy reference.


If you are interested in borrowing a script, please contact Linda at to make arrangements.


Additionally, Beechmont Players has compiled a collection of over 200 scripts that ACT member groups can also borrow as well. If you are interested in borrowing a script from Beechmont Players, please contact Steve at to make arrangements. 


ACT Cincinnati thanks Steve and Beechmont Players for their generosity in lending these materials to other ACT member groups!





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