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OCTA 2023 State Conference Information

Consolidated information about OCTA 2023 State Conference

In an effort to help our four SW region groups excerpting at State this weekend, and perhaps the rest of our ACT Cincinnati family, we've tried to gather as much information about the weekend in one spot.


PLEASE NOTE: This information is provided by OCTA and is correct to our knowledge. 



Blue = workshop

Red = excerpt

Green = OCTA event/party


FRIDAY Celebrating the 50s and 60s 

6:30 PM- 10:00 PM Registration

7:00 PM WORKSHOP: OCTA Responder Training with DeeAnne Bryll

7:00 PM WORKSHOP: Winning Your Next Audition with Diana Rogers

7:30 PM First Timers Meet & Greet

8:00 PM OCTA Pyramid

9:30 PM Sherry-O-Ke with Sherry McCamley (until Sherry wears out)

10:00 PM Card Games and Board Games


SATURDAY Celebrating the 70s, 80s, and 90s

7:00 AM- 10:00 AM Registration

8:00 AM First Timers Gathering

9:15 AM Excerpt 1 - Barefoot in the Park - Troy Civic Theatre

10:15 AM Excerpt 2 - The Children's Hour - Stow Players

11:00 AM Craft Vendors as long as inventory and energy permit!

11:15 AM Excerpt 3 - I'm Not Rappaport - Curtain Players

11:45 AM- 1:45PM Registration

12:00 PM WORKSHOP: Musical Theatre Master Class with Richard Oberacker

12:00 PM WORKSHOP: OCTA Responder Training with DeeAnne Bryll

12:00 PM WORKSHOP: Expand, Explore, Energize; Benefits of Original Works with Angela-Klocke Forbes and Eric Thomas

12:00 PM WORKSHOP: Elements for the Experienced Actor with Diana Rogers

12:30 PM Delegates Meeting

1:00 PM WORKSHOP: Props and Set Décor with Doug Bruening 

1:30 PM First Timers Gathering

2:00 PM Excerpt 4 - Kinky Boots - Cincinnati Music Theatre

3:00 PM Excerpt 5 - On the Exhale - Actors Collaborative Toledo

4:00 PM Excerpt 6 - The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Actors Guild of Parkersburg

5:00 PM Excerpt 7 - Sordid Lives - Beavercreek Community Theatre

5:45PM- 7:45 PM Registration

6:00 PM WORKSHOP: OCTA Responder Training with DeeAnne Bryll

6:00 PM WORKSHOP: Choreography Is Fun with Mike Fielder

6:30 PM Patron Reception

7:00 PM WORKSHOP: Birth of Musical - the Inside Scoop on How a New Musical Is Created with Richard Oberacker

8:00 PM Excerpt 8 - Love, Loss and What I Wore - Coshocton Footlight Players

9:00 PM Excerpt 9 - Chicago - 3B Productions

10:00 PM Excerpt 10 - A Streetcar Named Desire - Toledo Reportoire Theatre

11:00 PM Slingo (until the hosts wear out)

Karaoke with Jesse Bernal (until Jesse wears out)

Card Games and Board Games


SUNDAY Celebrating the Millenium (2000 to 2023)

7:00 AM- 10:00 AM Registration

8:30 AM First Timers Gathering

9:00 AM Excerpt 11 – Ken Ludwig’s The Gods of Comedy - Mariemont Players, Inc.

10:00 AM Excerpt 12 - Tuesdays with Morrie - Little Theatre of Tuscarawas County

11:00 AM Excerpt 13 - A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder - Footlighters, Inc.

11:00 AM- 1:00 PM Registration

12:00 PM WORKSHOP: Musical Theatre Master Class with Richard Oberacker 

12:00 PM WORKSHOP: OCTA Responder Training with DeeAnne Bryll

12:00 PM WORKSHOP: Playwrighting Improvisational with Teri Foltz

1:00 PM First Timers Meet

1:30 PM Excerpt 14 - Disenchanted - Bucyrus Little Theatre

2:30 PM Excerpt 15 - A View from the Bridge - Tri-County Players

3:30 PM Excerpt 16 - The Drowsy Chaperone - Little Theatre Off Broadway

4:00 PM Get ready for the highlight of the evening - Banquet/Recognitions/Dancing! Go Platinum! Wear Silver! Be sure to Sparkle!

8:00 PM Banquet/Recognitions/Dancing

11:00 PM Match Game Card Games and Board Games


MONDAY Celebrating the Future

9:00 AM OCTA Rep Board Meeting

10:00 AM WORKSHOP: Stage Management with TBD

10:00 AM WORKSHOP: Stage Combat with Ted Weil

10:00 AM WORKSHOP: State of the Theater Round Table with Peter Merten

11:00 AM Brunch

Introduction of 2024 Conference



  • Online registration is no longer available. Registration will be available at the door. 

  • Find the call sheet for all excerpts (load in times, walk the stage times, warm up times) here

  • When it's time for your excerpt to load-in, you will move things from your truck to the backstage square, just like ACT Regional. There is no room for storage before & after the block of time for your excerpt, i.e. a Sunday excerpt wanting to store their sets/props in a room on Saturday. 

  • There will be an OCTA-designated person at the light and sound boards to enforce the rules.

  • Specific excerpt personnel should be able to run the board during the excerpt.

  • Lighting is intended to be set up similarly to lighting at the Regional, but this can be checked during the "Walk the Stage" time allotted in the schedule. As a  reminder, regional lighting areas are: 

    • The playing area is six (6) zones. Each zone is individually controllable with its own fader.

    • Zone 1= DSR, Zone 2=DSC, Zone 3= DSL, Zone 4= USR, Zone 5= USC, and Zone 6= USL

    • A seventh "all zones" fader will be available.

    • There will also be a full stage blue wash fader available for scene change lighting. 

  • Find the stage platform layout and dimensions here




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